The Statistical Programming Associate (SPA) or Specialist (SPS) programs all tables, listings and graphs necessary for an assigned clinical study report (CSR); acts as lead programmer for assigned projects; programs customized data displays, (including data listings, summary tables and routine graphics) in accordance with the approved statistical analysis plan (SAP) and shell displays for clinical research studies; writes code using Base SAS programs, SAS procedures, or standardized macros; analyzes protocol, SAP, existing shells/templates as needed to understand structure and content of data; performs data checks as needed, to ensure integrity and correctness of data displays; prepares documentation for programs; prepares documentation describing all datasets and variables within, including derived variables, and the project as a whole; creates SAS datasets of clinical data from clinical databases; creates status and efficacy datasets; creates project-specific macros and formats; loads client data from other platforms and other software packages; prepares data to be sent to clients and as needed for other external transfers and data imports.